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A therapist's questions and a visit to a voluminous archive propel a dramatization of a day in the life of musician and cultural icon Nick Cave.A therapist's questions and a visit to a voluminous archive propel a dramatization of a day in the life of…

A science fiction film which moves from the pre-historic birth of intelligence toward the emergence of man as pure thought somewhere in the future.

"Fate brought them together, now vengence will tear them apart. A violent car accident unexpectedly throws together the lives of a college professor, an ex-con and a young mother with a reckless past. The crossing of their paths takes them through…

Filmmaker Phillip B. Roth explores his sexual identity

23/1/1973, 8:00 pm in the Gallery; Philips reel, 3 3/4 ips,. two track mono (right channel only; centred when digitized). Recording is very quiet at first, gradually getting louder. Can be difficult to understand speaker because of excessive reverb.…

Mann & Frau & Animal: "Shows a woman finding pleasure in herself, the whole film a kind of assertion and affirmation of female sexuality and its independence from male values and pleasures" (-Joanna Kiernan) Remote...Remote..."The way in which VALIE…
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